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Misao McGregor bares it all on her debut record, "Kid In The Corner"

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Review by Austin Sher

Officially released today on December 17th, 2020, Misao McGregor has put forth her debut record, Kid In The Corner. Please read along with us as we share our full thoughts on the album, in addition to a background on the artist herself.

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Currently based out of Los Angeles, CA, Misao McGregor is a singer, songwriter, and playwright who’s been involved within the music scene from an early age. With the release of Kid In The Corner, she’s quickly proving that she’s more than capable of producing her own music. With roots coming from indie, pop, and soul, this record as a whole is an absolute winner.

Incorporating her experiences of marginalization within her life, she is seeking to provide safe spaces for people who are diving into her art. As she openly sings about her own depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and more, the album almost acts as an open diary as much as it is a fine piece of music and instrumentation.

Coming in at a total of 11 tracks, spanning 38 awe-inspiring minutes, Kid In The Corner takes what Misao was doing best in her previously released singles and EP, and delicately wraps up into one cohesive experience, enchanting all who will listen. As impressive as her vocal deliveries and diverse use of sound really are, the ultimate experience is listening word after word to an artist who is baring it all for all who will stop and listen. As artists around the globe pour out poorly released music day after day, it’s works like these that really make you stop, think, and evaluate.

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While it would be near impossible to pick a favorite track, as they all have their different positive qualities, there were some standouts for us. Specifically “Blue Boi”, “Runaway”, and “Weather the Weather”. Now this isn’t to say the others fell flat in any way, but like all music, some speak differently to others and on first listen these were the ones that seemed the most profound. With that being said though, we do implore the reader to listen front to back for the full experience.

At this point though, we don’t want to give too much away because we’d much rather you listen and form your own opinions, but let us just say that we are highly recommending and encouraging you to take the time out of your day and sit with this. It can be lyrically dense at times, but in a way that connects you to the artist as opposed to just another song you’ll listen to, skip, and ultimately forget. Misao has opened up her life to the listener, so do her the honor and see what she’s all about. Enjoy!

For all things Misao McGregor, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Kid In The Corner


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