Katie Tich turns her life into music on newest single, "Arrow"

Freshly released today on February 19th, 2021, we are absolutely thrilled to announce that Katie Tich’s latest single “Arrow” is out. Read along as we share our thoughts on the track, as well as a refresher on the artist as well. 

In case you forgot, it wasn’t too long ago that we covered Katie’s single, “Life In This City”. Thankfully this talented and blossoming artist is back with her first single of the new year, “Arrow”, that we haven’t been able to turn off. According to Katie, the single represents “the bittersweet loss of a relationship I knew wasn’t right but that I miss regardless.”

What we love most about Katie’s music isn’t just her flawless vocals, but also the fact that each song comes from a place of personal experience. She’s not scared to get the message out there, specifically on the deeply contextual lyricism that she displays from line to line. What she’s let us know is that all of her emotions and stories are versions of herself in her memories. All the different parts of herself have individual voices that need to be heard, so why not make a piece of art out of it.

Just like one of our favorite movies (and Katies), Inside Out, each of her songs expresses a unique emotion that parts of her feels. “Arrow” is no different in the sense that it’s another display of the artist's life.

It should go without saying, but we’ve quickly become fans of the heartwarming music that Katie Tich is putting out into the world. Considering that “Arrow” has been released so early in the year, we’re incredibly hopeful that more is on the way soon. Whether life experiences need to happen first, or enough has happened in the past year to build up a bank of stories, we’ll be listening when the time arrives.

For now though, without giving too many spoilers, “Arrow” should be the next thing in your listening queue. We know it will be for us, so now it’s up to you to do your thing and support this lovely artist who is doing things the right way.

As always, all things Katie Tich, listening links, and to keep up with all future releases and more can be found by clicking the links below.

Listen to “Arrow”

Spotify - Katie Tich




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