Mardi Tickle turns life's chaos into a Disco on "Circus Called Life"

In her latest single, "Circus Called Life," Finland-based singer songwriter Mardi Tickle takes us on a dazzling journey through the unpredictable twists and turns of existence, all set to a vibrant and energetic pop-disco beat. Drawing inspiration from icons like Jamiroquai and Scissor Sisters, Tickle’s new track is a joyous celebration of life’s madness, encouraging listeners to embrace the circus with a smile.

From the moment the song kicks off, the super groovy bassline sets the stage for an electrifying experience. The infectious rhythm grabs hold and doesn’t let go, pulling the audience into a whirlwind of sound and energy that is impossible to resist. This track, featuring Lasse Turunen and Henna Helasvuo, is a testament to Tickle’s ability to blend her eclectic influences into a cohesive and compelling piece of experimental pop music.

Tickle’s vocals are nothing short of incredible. She effortlessly navigates the dynamic range of the song, delivering each line with a confident and vibrant flair. Her voice is both powerful and playful, perfectly capturing the whimsical yet profound message of the song. The lyrical content of "Circus Called Life" is both relatable and thought-provoking, reflecting on the chaotic nature of life and how our approach can transform the experience into something beautiful and meaningful.

The production quality is top-notch, with each element of the song contributing to its overall impact. The disco sparkle that pervades the track is a delightful nod to the classic era of dance music, while still feeling fresh and modern. The synergy between the performers is palpable, creating a rich, textured sound that is as complex as it is catchy.

The accompanying music video (attached), featuring aerial acrobat Hanne Vartiainen, handstand artist Silja Kyytinen, and juggler Leo Kaipiainen, adds a visual feast to the auditory delight. The circus-themed imagery perfectly complements the song’s message, bringing the lyrics to life in a way that is both entertaining and inspiring.

"Circus Called Life" is not just a song; it’s an experience. It invites listeners to dance through the chaos, to find joy in the unexpected, and to approach life with a sense of wonder and humor. Mardi Tickle has truly outdone herself with this release, showcasing her more pop-oriented side with an unashamedly fun and uplifting track.

Mardi Tickle’s latest offering provides the perfect soundtrack to remind us that life, with all its surprises and challenges, is something to be celebrated. So please, take a moment to click those links below in order to listen, follow along, and of course to stay tuned for more!

Listen to "Circus Called Life"





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