Sebastian James channels Midwestern pride with “American Made” - Interview

Sebastian James, the dynamic singer-songwriter from Kansas City, MO, delivers a vibrant anthem with his latest single, "American Made." Rooted in Classic Rock and infused with Midwestern sensibilities and Country-flavored roots, this track is a refreshing throwback to a time when music was celebrated for its authenticity and soul.

"American Made" stands as a testament to James's dedication to creating "feel good music" that resonates with listeners on a deeper level. The song opens with an irresistible guitar riff that instantly transports you to the heartland of America, evoking images of open roads, small-town pride, and a sense of community that is often missing in today’s fast-paced world.

James’s vocals, rich and emotive, are perfectly complemented by the tight instrumentation, which features a seamless blend of rock and country elements. The rhythm section lays down a solid foundation, driving the song forward with a steady, toe-tapping beat. Meanwhile, the guitar work, both melodic and powerful, adds layers of texture and depth to the track, making it an instant earworm.

During our interview with Sebastian James, he shared insights into the making of "American Made" and his upcoming solo album, Old School Cool, set to release this summer on Tungsten Records, an independent label he co-founded. James emphasized the importance of authenticity and the joy of creating music that speaks to his roots. "I'm a 5th generation Kansas Citian and midwesterner," he said with pride. "My music is a reflection of that, it’s about unity and trying to be better people."

James also discussed the production process of the song, highlighting the collaborative efforts that brought "American Made" to life. "We wanted to capture that raw, unfiltered sound that makes rock and roll so timeless," he explained. "Working with a talented team who shared that vision was crucial, and the result is something we’re all incredibly proud of."

The lyrical content of "American Made" is both nostalgic and forward-looking, celebrating the values and experiences that shape the American spirit. James’s storytelling is compelling, painting vivid pictures of everyday life while also touching on broader themes of resilience, pride, and unity.

As we anticipate the release of Old School Cool, it’s clear that Sebastian James is poised to make a significant impact on the music scene. "American Made" is just a taste of what’s to come, a promising indication of the timeless material that James has crafted. We’re quite excited for more, but in the meantime, go ahead and click the links below to get into it all!

Listen to “American Made”



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