Supreme Unbeing come roaring back with another stellar single, "Solution"

Review by Austin Sher

Back with another hard hitting single, “Solution” that just released today, Supreme Unbeing continues to solidify their unique sound. Do yourself a favor and read along for our full review!

You may remember last month when we covered their last single release, titled “Animals”, which you can find HERE. With no surprise, the band is back with an equally aggressive and powerful new single “Solution” that we instantly fell in love with. While we won’t directly pit the two singles up against each other, we will say that they’re both incredibly powerful.

Just in case you didn’t read our last bio on the band, Supreme Unbeing are a mysterious rock/metal band led by vocalist/prophet Zac Red who acts as the physical form of our collective consciousness and the ambient quantum entanglement of our most personal thoughts. After observing the world for some 30 years, he has assembled his fellow prophets D. Vine, Unknown and Al Mytee to shed some light over our present existence through the medium of heavy riffs, astounding solos, and philosophically intriguing lyrics.

In the same vein as their last release, if you’re in the mood to rock out, head bang, play your own personal guitar, or all of the above, this song is for you! Personally speaking, our tastes have recently geared towards a “harder” sound, so when we heard this track we instantly knew that it was going to be fantastic. Not only is the song highly listenable, but also provides the perfect atmosphere to sort of lose yourself in it. There’s so much happening instrumentally that you can get out of your head for a minute and really get lost in all that’s going.

Once again, the vocals on the track are clean, yet heavy, in the best way possible. The opening guitar riff, the bombastic drumming, and the basslines pull the song together to make yet another behemoth of a song. At this point, there isn’t really much else to say besides you’ve got to stop reading this article and get to listening to the music. One thing we will add is to keep an eye out on our site for the next Supreme Unbeing track review, it might be coming sooner than you think.

For all things Supreme Unbeing, to listen to “Solution”, and to keep up with all future releases, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Solution”




Artist Website

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