The HiHearts' debut single "SWIM" dives deep into soulful collaboration

In their inaugural single as The HiHearts, a new collaboration born from a chance encounter at a songwriter's round, Heidi Holton, Bridget Gossett, and Rene Russell deliver a mesmerizing musical experience that defies categorization. "SWIM" is not just a song—it's a mystical journey, a sacred exploration of sound that leaves a lasting impression on all who hear it.

What makes "SWIM" truly special is the diverse musical backgrounds of its creators. With Heidi Holton's Blues prowess, Bridget Gossett's silky and soulful vocals, and Rene Russell's classic Americana Folk Rock stylings, the song is a melting pot of musical influences. Yet, despite their distinct styles, the trio seamlessly blends their talents to create something wholly unique. They’ve come together for something that exceptionally complements their individual diversities.

From the opening notes, "SWIM" draws listeners in with its ethereal melodies and haunting vocals. Heidi, Bridget, and Rene each take turns commanding the spotlight, their voices intertwining in a mesmerizing dance that captivates the senses. The result is a sonic tapestry that is both introspective and expansive, inviting listeners to lose themselves in its depths.

At its core, "SWIM" is a song that defies easy classification. It's a bit ethereal, a bit sacred, and wholly transformative. The lyrics are imbued with a sense of mystery and wonder, inviting listeners to contemplate the deeper meaning behind the music. As the song builds to its crescendo, it becomes clear that "SWIM" is more than just a collection of notes—it's an experience, a journey into the unknown.

Accompanying the single is a promise of more to come, with The HiHearts teasing a second release later this summer titled "Hocus Focus." If "SWIM" is any indication, listeners can expect more soul-stirring collaborations and musical magic from this talented trio.

"SWIM" is a song that leaves an indelible mark on the listener's soul—a true masterpiece in every sense of the word. It immediately grabbed our attention and instantly had us ready for the summer single to come around the corner. However in the meantime, we urge everyone to click those links below to listen and stay tuned for more.

Listen to "SWIM"

Band Website



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