Percy Richter & Martina Petric collaborate on inspired single, "One More Night"

Putting together an incredibly upbeat and vibrant single, collaborators Percy Richter and Martina Petric have struck gold with “One More Night”. Please read on for a closer look at this track, in addition to a background on these respective artists.

Inspired by their personal events and real life situations, Percy Richter and Martina Petric have created a wonderfully laid back vibe with their latest, “One More Night”. Featuring a top tier production, sweet and serene vocals, and compelling lyricism, each artist has brought their A-game for a complete and well rounded listening experience. We’ve sincerely enjoyed our multiple listens and can’t wait for everyone out there to give this a spin.

With an end goal to celebrate “daily love and positivity”, ultimately “One More Night” holds a strong and resounding message that “love is love, it is lightning and healing”. Through meaningful words and a sensational delivery from both artists, this is a collaboration that thankfully breaks the mold of what we’ve come to expect as of late. Both Percy and Martina get their moment to shine, don’t detract from one another, but get the opportunity to infuse equal amounts of their signature sound into the mix. If you’ve listened to their music separately, it’s a really nice blend of both, but it’s all the reason to check out their discographies for a further deep dive too. 

So much of what we enjoyed about this song was the feel and calming aesthetic that it held. With a smooth production and an intriguing backing, both artists still served as the constant through their vocals and matched each other with a particular tone as well. At right around three and a half minutes in length, they also didn’t run into the problem of cutting things short or giving the listener an experience like they weren’t fully immersed from the start. Nothing felt rushed, but they still managed to introduce a ton of elements and implement a great deal of personality. As mentioned, collaborations can often feel one sided, but “One More Night” has given us a taste for both their styles.

With that being said, please go ahead and check out those links below in order to listen, follow along on their social media, and to keep up with more on the way in the near future. Enjoy!

Listen to “One More Night”



Instagram - Percy Richter

Instagram - Martina Petric

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