Shelly Leatherman creates a catchy original, "We Go Hard"

From sound engineer for some of music’s biggest acts to crafting originals for herself, we’ve fallen in love with the music of Shelly Leatherman. Read on for our full review of “We Go Hard”, as well as a background on this talented artist.

Shelly Leatherman has been seemingly everywhere within the music industry, so it was only right that she create something unique and original that’s equally as beautiful. “We Go Hard” is her all new single and for lack of a better describer, it absolutely goes hard. Centering around her silky vocals on top of an aggressively strummed acoustic guitar, anyone with a love of music is going to enjoy this one from start to finish.

Currently based out of Nashville, Shelly Leatherman has been amassing her range of talents throughout the entirety of her whole life. As mentioned, she’s been a live sound engineer for some of country’s biggest acts, but thankfully she’s created something for herself that stands out in a big way. She’s channeled all of her mental and spiritual energy into her music and ultimately it’s paid off, because this is the type of music we love and adore as personal fans. 

While the lyrics of the song are quite explainable even just listening once, what we took from this song the most was the vibe and feeling that it left us with. For some it might leave a taste of optimism in their mouths, but for others, it can serve as an energy inducing song too. The fact that it can be interpreted so many ways goes to show her artistic abilities, and if anything, has us beyond excited to see what 2022 brings in terms of new releases and the evolution of her song.

You can probably tell already, but of course we’re going to recommend all who come across this, to immediately stop what they’re doing and get listening as soon as you can. Whether you’re a fan of country music or not, she’s blending and blurring the genre into something completely niche to itself. Do yourselves a big favor and dive right in!

For all things Shelly Leatherman, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “We Go Hard”







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