Psychedelic Porn Crumpets Talk Touring at Desert Daze 2022

Prior to their outrageous set on Friday at Desert Daze Music Festival, we got the extra special opportunity to speak with Psychedelic Porn Crumpets! It’s been nearly two years since our last conversation, but this time around, we chatted about all things touring, live shows, and the festival itself. Don’t miss it!

Fresh off the release of their latest record Night Gnomes, it’s safe to say that our expectations were extremely high for what to expect from the band’s set. Having seen them in the past and them absolutely melting our faces with their powerful mix of hard rock and psychedelic tunes, it’s always a wild time no matter where you’re standing in the crowd. Given that the band had a midday set at the peak of the heat in the day at Desert Daze, we didn’t think the show would be too rowdy, however we left proven wrong. Still dusty as we’re writing this, PPC threw down one of the heaviest and most explosive shows of the weekend.

Ripping through some of our favorites off of High Visceral Part One, SHYGA! The Sunlight Mound, and much more, they gave the crowd a varied mix of their best songs. Now of course we don’t want to spoil our interview because we’d much prefer for you to watch it for yourselves, but one of our main questions was how the band manages to craft a set list as they continue to release full lengths. The answer surprised us, but to be perfectly honest, they could legitimately play anyone of their songs and it would get the crowd going. They perfectly mix catchy melodies, ideally synced up instrumentation, and that groovy sound to get the best of themselves.

Hanging with the band was a dream of its own and we’re thrilled an in-person interview was finally able to happen, considering the prior was on Zoom. The band is currently on tour, so we have to suggest that you please take the time and grab a ticket to their show, we promise you won’t be disappointed. 

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